By Seth Godin on marketing, tribes and respect – http://bit.ly/1GaMGPV
When you make your customer feel stupid, you’ve given him no choice. He needs to blame you.
Some ways to make people feel stupid:
- Charge different prices at different outlets and shrug your shoulders when you get found out.
- Insist that the warranty ends precisely the day you said it would.
- Give new customers a great discount for signing up, but tell long-term customers that they’re out of luck.
- Make your expensive items less networked, less powerful and less reliable than your cheaper ones.
- Give your customers a product, idea or service that causes them to be ridiculed or shamed by people they hope to impress.
- Sell the private data you get from customers to other marketers without asking first.
- Put the important information in your terms and conditions, in little tiny type.
- Collect money as though you’re in the long-term relationship business, but in every other way, act like you don’t expect the relationship to last.
- Talk about your customers (students/clients/members) behind their back in a way you’d never talk to their face (hint: it’ll get back to them).
- Lower your pricing but don’t honor it for people who just bought from you. That shrug again.
- Scold someone because the last three people already heard you just answer that question (but we didn’t…)
- Assume the worst about a customer’s intent, intelligence and background.
Most people (particularly the customers you seek) don’t mind paying a little extra if it comes with dignity, confidence and a smile.