Category: Strategies for Content

by Joe Lazauskas, from Inbound Hub –

In 2014, the buzzword game has changed.

“Data” is the new “synergy.”

“Let’s A/B test it” is the new “Let’s circle back on that.”

Overall, this is a good thing. Synergy and circling back usually only result in the appearance of doing work, while intelligently testing techniques and generating actionable data actually helps you accomplish your business goals.…

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By Allison Howen from ‘Net Features –

An image doesn’t only speak a thousand words, it also grabs the attention of consumers on the ’Net.

After all, the majority of people (65 percent) are visual learners according to the Social Science Research Network, which makes it no surprise that image-based social networks like Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr have been growing in popularity, and at a rather rapid pace.…

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By Ginny Soskey, from Inbound Hub –

What makes a blog post bad?

There are lots of reasons a blog post could be less-than-perfect. Poor formatting. Poor grammar. Poor word choice. Poor shareability.

The most pervasive problem? Poor flow. The post jumps from one idea to the next to the next and then circles around again for a split second to the first idea, then back to the fourth, and so on.…

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