Author: Len Marshall

By Jay Taylor, from Home – SearchEngineWatch –

Some organizations are still resistant to having a mobile-friendly website, either because they lack the resources or don’t see the value. If your organization falls into this category, and you would like to continue being relevant in 2015 on the most widely used search engine in the world, Google, then now is the time to begin building a mobile-friendly website.…

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By Jeffrey Vocell, from Inbound Hub | Marketing –

We’re now encountering more personalized experiences than ever before. Before, it was just your favorite coffee shop barista who greeted you by name. Now, your News Feed is customized to your interests and behavior, your online purchases are largely influence by what Amazon’s algorithm think you’d like, and you can’t open up an email without it saying, “Hi [First Name].”…

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By Pete Prestipino, from ‘Net Features –

Domain name prices vary – in some cases wildly – from registrar to registrar. Fortunately, there’s at least one service out there that will show you what these registrars are charging their users which could come in handy if you are building a domain portfolio (or simply want to get the lowest price).…

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